Annotation processing

Doma uses Pluggable Annotation Processing API at compile time.

In this document, we describe the options for the annotation processors in Doma and show you how to pass them to build tools.



The package that the generated implementation classes of interfaces annotated with @Dao belong to. The specified value overrides the value of doma.dao.subpackage. The default value is the same package as the one the interfaces annotated with @Dao belong to.


The subpackage that the generated implementation classes of interfaces annotated with @Dao belong to. The specified value is overridden by the value of doma.dao.package. If this value is impl and the package of interfaces annotated with @Dao is example.dao, the generated implementation classes belong to the package example.dao.impl.


The name suffix that the generated implementation classes of interfaces annotated with @Dao have. If this value is Bean and the simple name of the interface annotated with @Dao is EmployeeDao, the simple name of the generated implementation class is EmployeeDaoBean. The default value is Impl.


Whether to output the debug log in annotation processing. If the value is true, the annotation processors output the debug log. The default value is false.


The full qualified names of the classes annotated with @DomainConverters. The names are described as comma separated list. This value are used to find external domain classes.


The name prefix that the fields of the generated entity meta classes have. The value none means the prefix is not used. The default value is $.


The full qualified name of the class that implements org.seasar.doma.expr.ExpressionFunctions. The default value is org.seasar.doma.expr.ExpressionFunctions. This value are used to determine which functions are available in expression comments.


Whether to generate meta classes for the Criteria API. When the value is true, metamodels are generated for all entity classes even if they are not specified with metamodel = @Metamodel. The default value is false.


The name prefix of the metamodel classes for the Criteria API. The default value is an empty string.


The name suffix of the metamodel classes for the Criteria API. The default value is _.


The resource directory that contains the resource files such as a doma.compile.config file and sql files. Specify the value as an absolute path. If the value is not specified, the resource directory is same as the directory the classes are generated.


Whether to validate the existence of sql files and the grammar of sql comments. If the value is true, the validations run. To disable the validations, set false. The default value is true.


Whether to validate the versions of doma.jar between runtime and compile-time. If the value is true, the validation runs. To disable the validation, set false. The default value is true.


The file path of the configuration file for Doma. The default value is doma.compile.config.

Setting options in Gradle

Use the compilerArgs property:

tasks {
    compileJava {
        options.compilerArgs.addAll(listOf("-Adoma.dao.subpackage=impl", "-Adoma.dao.suffix=Impl"))

Setting options in Maven

Use the compilerArgs parameter:

                <source>1.8</source> <!-- depending on your project -->
                <target>1.8</target> <!-- depending on your project -->

Setting options in Eclipse


Use the Gradle plugin com.diffplug.eclipse.apt and the processorArgs property:

plugins {
    id("com.diffplug.eclipse.apt") version "3.43.0"

tasks {
    compileJava {
        val aptOptions = extensions.getByType<com.diffplug.gradle.eclipse.apt.AptPlugin.AptOptions>()
        aptOptions.processorArgs = mapOf(
            "doma.dao.subpackage" to "impl",
            "doma.dao.suffix" to "Impl"

Right-click on the project in Eclipse and select Gradle > Refresh Gradle Project. This will reflect the Gradle annotation processing options in Eclipse.


Right-click on the project in Eclipse and select Maven > Update Project…. This will reflect the Maven annotation processing options in Eclipse.

Setting options in IntelliJ IDEA


Import your project as a Gradle project. In the case, the options written in build.gradle(.kts) are used.


Import your project as a Maven project. In the case, the options written in pom.xml are used.

Setting options with configuration file

The options specified in the doma.compile.config file are available in all build tools such as Eclipse, IDEA, Gradle and so on.

The doma.compile.config file must follow the properties file format and be placed in the root directory such as src/main/resources.


The options specified in the doma.compile.config file are overridden by the ones specific to the build tools.